
Bonn University Library
Bonn University Library supplies scholars, researchers and students with the books, publications and information needed for university studies, teaching, research and continuing education.  Bonn University Library serves as the university‘s central lending library. The Bonn University Library is comprised of the Main Library (Hauptbibliothek) and the Branch Library for Medicine, Science and Agriculture (Abteilungsbibliothek Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Landbauwissenschaften).

Opening hours
and Contact

Main Library
The Main Library (Hauptbibliothek) on Adenauerallee concentrates on the humanities and social sciences, law and economics, theology and psychology.
Address: Adenauerallee 39-41, 53113 Bonn

Branch Library for Medicine, Science and Agriculture
The MNL Branch Library (Abteilungsbibliothek Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Landbauwissenschaften) on Nußallee focuses on medicine, science, information science and agricultural sciences.
Address: Nußallee 15a, 53115 Bonn

Bonn City Library
The municipal library has a large selection of books and other media on various topics. Look for books and other media in their catalogue.  
Address: (Haus der Bildung), Mülheimer Platz 1, 53111 Bonn

BIGS Neuroscience Library
BIGS Neuroscience lends books on specific topics to PhD students registered with our graduate program. Lending is made by the BIGS Neuroscience office.

Conditions: Books can be lend for 6 weeks (extension by two weeks possible). Please contact the office with your request and for details about collection/shipment.

Book portfolio