BIGS Clinical and Population Science offers a broad and advanced curriculum. The core of the doctoral training consists of scientific research conducted in one of the participating research groups of the school. In order for a thesis to be completed and accepted, it must represent significant progress in the related scientific fields. To support student education and to complement hands-on learning, BIGS Clinical and Population Science provides an advanced educational curriculum that includes practical courses in cutting-edge technologies, methodological seminars as well as scientific seminars by renowned international scientists.
All courses are taught in English and participation is free of charge. Every curriculum component is extensively described in the teaching program section.
Current curriculum version since 2019
New PhD students of the BIGS Clinical and Population Science program participate in the following curriculum:

Figure: Curriculum requirements since 1st of January 2019
Curriculum version 2016-2018
PhD students who started their promotion before the 31st of December 2018 have to fulfil the curriculum requirements showed in the graph below.

Figure: Curriculum requirements between 2016 and the end of 2018