Prof. Dr. Simone Dohle

Group Leader
Health and Risk Communication Lab
Prof. Dr. Simone Dohle
Health and Risk Communication Lab
University Hospital Bonn | University of Bonn
Venusberg-Campus 1| D-53127 Bonn | Germany
Phone: +49 (0)228 287 11156
Email: simone.dohle(at)

Research Focus

Prof. Dr. Simone Dohle is Professor of Health and Risk Communication at the University Hospital of Bonn (UKB). Her research focuses on health and risk communication, self-regulation and motivation, health-related behavior change, medical decision-making, and digital health.
At the Health and Risk Communication Lab (HRCL,, led by Prof. Dohle, we study and identify ways to improve doctor-patient communication. Our aim is to develop suitable illustrations and decision aids for General Practice that enable patients to make informed decisions about health risks. Another core question of our research is how to encourage people to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. To address our research questions, we employ a wide array of methods, including (online) experiments, ecological momentary assessments, or eye tracking. We also develop and evaluate smartphone-based health interventions focused on health promotion and well-being. It is important to us that the results of our research find their way into practice. Therefore, we are also involved in science communication and work with numerous partners in practice.