BFB stipends – Deadline March 1st, 2020

29/01/2020 12:00 am

BFB Workshop Program
The BFB awards grants for participation in organized workshops for learning techniques and methods (e.g. Cold Spring Harbour Workshops, EMBL courses). The offer is aimed at doctoral students and postdocs in the first two years after the doctorate. The application must include a letter of motivation with a description of the course and the costs, a curriculum vitae of the applicant and a letter from the supervisor. Applicants must be proposed by their supervisor. The application (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, letter from the supervisor) can be sent to

Applications can be submitted four times a year (01.03./ 01.06./01.09 and 01.12.).

The executive committee decides on the applications.
As soon as there is a confirmation of the possibility to participate in the course or a refusal, the BFB must be informed immediately.