Save the Date: 16-17 October – Annual PhD Student Retreat of the Bonn International Graduate School Clinical and Population Sciences
16/10/2023 12:00 am
The Bonn International Graduate School Clinical and Population Sciences is pleased to announce the annual PhD Student Retreat. The event, organized by the BIGS CPS student representatives, will take place from 16 to 17 October 2023. The picturesque Jugendherberge Manderscheid in the Eifel region has been chosen as the venue for this year’s retreat.
The PhD Student Retreat provides an invaluable opportunity for our PhD students to come together, exchange ideas, present their research, and receive valuable feedback from their peers. It also fosters collaboration across different areas of clinical and population sciences. Throughout the retreat, participants can expect social events, poster walks, and engaging talks.
We are delighted to announce our distinguished speakers for this year’s retreat.
Dr. Michelle Dietzen, a bioinformatician at BioNtech, will share her expertise and insights in the field of cancer research.
We are also honored to have Professor Robert Kumsta, Professor of Biopsychology at the University of Luxembourg and Senior Researcher at the Genetic Psychology Lab at the Ruhr University Bochum, as one of our keynote speakers.
Mark your calendars for 16-17 October 2023. We hope to see you there!